How It works

Fixed Price Marketplace

The Fixed Price Marketplace is live 24/7/365 and offers a wide variety of different collectibles. Items stored in the ShinyVault can be listed and removed at any time via the digital Vault Portfolio. Registered users can purchase collectible items 24/7 and it is also possible to suggest a price if an item has been listed with the "Accepts Suggested Prices" option.

How it works


Buy now or make price offers - it's up to you. You can be sure you'll get what you see, and every item purchased will be stored in the ShinyVault for free for the first 12 months.

For additional information on how to buy items on ShinyRare, please see our specialised guideline.

Marketplace Overview
Free to list

List items from your Vault portfolio in seconds. You pay no fees for listing.

24/7/365 ACCESS

Buy, post or remove items and make or receive offers/counter-offers at any time.

Specialized marketplace

Large and diverse range of trading cards. From Haaland to Charizard to LeBron!

Uniform Presentation

All items are digitized by ShinyRare to guarantee the best possible presentation.

Secure and insured storage

All items are stored inside the ShinyVault and are fully insured.

Save shipping costs

Decide when you ship your items or leave them in our vault until you want to sell.

Marketplace Overview
How it works


Any collectible offered on the marketplaces must be sent to ShinyRare beforehand. ShinyRare verifies and digitizes each item and stores it fully insured in the ShinyVault. Storage is free for each submitted item for the first 12 months, giving you full flexibility to choose the right time to sell your collectibles. Items can be listed and removed at any time with two clicks via the digital Vault portfolio. There are no fees for listing items, so just give it a try!

A 15% sales fee is charged for all items sold on the Fixed Price Marketplace.

For a list of items that are eligible for submission, click here.

For additional information on how to sell items on ShinyRare, please see our specialised guideline.